
Lascivia 2*MX
El capitán Bratt Lewis está de nuevo en el comando, con una nueva vida planeada y queriendo retomar el tiempo perdido. Pero las personas que dejó no son las mismas: Rachel James falló, el coronel ha jugado sucio y una nueva ficha ha entrado en el tablero. Antoni Mascherano, quien no essolo un bioquímico, sino también el líder de la mafía, ha puesto los ojos en la teniente James y su objetivo es tomarla como suya.

El panorama se complica en esta segunda entrega, donde los rencores empiezan a surgir; las relaciones, a agrietarse y los miedos, a avivarse. Bien dicen que las verdades siempre salen a la luz, y estesaber que es tan cierto se comprobará en esta nueva parte, donde las pasiones no pueden ocultarse, ni los sentimientos, disimularse.

Las ovejas de Cain
Un pastor evangélico que ha llegado a convertirse en uno de los hombres más influyentes de Honduras establece un pacto con Chicho El Serrucho, líder pandillero, para acabar con la ola de violencia y de muerte en los barrios más conflictivos de Tegucigalpa. Los términos del acuerdo no son del todo claros para la población, pero eso no importa porque los resultados son evidentes: la ciudad ha recobrado la calma. Sin embargo, esta aparente calma no la percibe igual Spike, un pandillero que desde el fallecimiento de su abuela, que lo crio en Honduras cuando su madre emigró a los Estados Unidos, y tras varios años en el Norte, vuelve a casa para convertirse en el rey de su barrio, hasta que los matones de Chicho llegan para ejercer su autoridad y despojarlo de su poder.
Cuando Spike coincide con Pablo, un joven reportero de las noticias policiales en un periódico de la capital, tan idealista como ingenuo, inexperto y desprevenido, que investiga la extraña muerte de una muchacha, y con Gustavo, el compañero fotógrafo de Pablo, la trama se precipita, como en una película de acción trepidante, con rumbo al desenmascaramiento de la falsedad y de la corrupción de unos personajes oscuros que parecen controlarlo todo en el país.
La fe, el idealismo, el poder, la corrupción y la violencia son los ingredientes principales de esta novela negra, y el autor es capaz de mezclarlos hábilmente con dosis de humor y de crítica social para ofrecer un panorama de la Honduras contemporánea y reafirmarse a la vez como uno de los narradores hondureños más prometedores de la actualidad.

420.00 L 420.00 L 420.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
La casa del salon de los pilares
Una casa de huéspedes podría no ser una simple casa de huéspedes; un espejo podría llevarnos a lo desconocido; las noches podrían ser una pesadilla interminable; o un familiar podría ya no estar entre nosotros, aunque lo veamos o hablemos con él. Se dice que las historias fantásticas son tan viejas como el miedo. La primera parte de esta opera prima de Dago Aspra traerá de vuelta al lector los recuerdos de esas “historias de fantasmas” que nos contaron, que imaginamos o que vivimos en la infancia. A través de la perspectiva de personajes inmersos en sus pesadillas, en juegos nocturnos que llevan a otros mundos o simplemente en la soledad después de la muerte de un ser querido, asistiremos, en unas tramas breves pero eficaces, a las posibilidades del miedo, del asombro, de la fantasía, porque lo que estos cuentos traen consigo es la evocación de eso que existe, sin las objeciones de la realidad objetiva, en ese mundo alterno, subjetivo y probable que es la ficción. En la segunda parte del libro la fantasía y lo sobrenatural dan paso a la realidad para abordar temas propios de lo cotidiano: las relaciones familiares o de pareja, la violencia, la tragedia o la nostalgia. Un hijo entiende que el doble de su madre es una amenaza para él; dos hermanos experimentan las consecuencias de la contemplación de unas simples aves; alguien más imagina la forma exacta de un asesinato… Con un tono menos pasional, más sobrio, en esa segunda parte el autor muestra sus habilidades para darle forma, con palabras, a las emociones, a eso que no siempre saben mostrar los hechos. Con este primer libro Dago Aspra se une a la última generación de narradores hondureños nacidos durante los 80´s y 90´s, una generación que ya marca una nueva etapa en la literatura hondureña.

330.00 L 330.00 L 330.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Textos fundacionales de la literatura hondureña
Helen Umaña se ha dedicado durante más de tres décadas a recorrer bibliotecas y escudriñar viejos archivos y colecciones privadas con el propósito de identificar los puntos de referencia que configuran la historia de la literatura hondureña. Ese ambicioso proyecto, que es ahora bibliografía obligada para cualquier investigador, incluye, además de textos de crítica sobre autores contemporáneos, estudios panorámicos sobre la novela, el cuento, la poesía, el microrrelato y la tradición oral.
En Textos fundacionales de la literatura hondureña desarrolla una tarea pendiente: el análisis de las crónicas y ensayos escritos en lo que hoy es Honduras por los primeros españoles que arribaron en las carabelas y los que se quedaron durante la Conquista y el Periodo Colonial, hasta aquellos otros que, siendo también españoles, criollos o mestizos, continuaron asentando las bases de la literatura nacional durante la Independencia y la Reforma Liberal en el Siglo XIX.
Estructurado en dos partes en las que se abordan esos periodos, este libro presenta, además, el contexto histórico y cultural del momento en que Honduras ingresa al mundo de las letras y unas reflexiones finales que ofrecen un panorama sobre los escritos de los autores estudiados.
Con esta obra, exhaustiva en la búsqueda —una labor que bien podría calificarse de «arqueología literaria»— y profusa en citas de los textos analizados, que resultan curiosas o sorprendentes, por los reveladores datos incluidos o por el estilo de sus autores, Helen Umaña completa su particular «historia y análisis de la literatura hondureña», y se confirma como la voz más importante de la crítica literaria de nuestro país en las últimas décadas.

430.00 L 430.00 L 430.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
50 Clasicos de la Filosofia
De Aristóteles a Wittgenstein, "50 clásicos de la filosofía" es un magnífico punto de acceso a la "reina de las disciplinas". Su propósito es iluminar y explicar, acercando al lector algunas de las preguntas fundamentales y sus posibles respuestas, las cuales están en el núcleo de la existencia humana. Los perspicaces comentarios de Tom Butler-Bowdon sobre textos famosos, la biografía de los autores, los resúmenes y las citas incluidas en este libro nos dan una perfecta idea de aquellas ideas que cambiaron el curso de la historia y que hoy siguen transformando nuestras mentes. Su lecturá te permitirá: - Descubrir el sentido de la vida y de la situación humana. - Vivir y actuar bien según las enseñanzas de los grandes filósofos de la ética y la política. - Pensar más inteligente y captar la verdad. - Conocer las ideas fundamentales de los filósofos acutales. Tom Butler-Bowdon es autor del best-seller "50 clásicos de la psicología".

790.00 L 790.00 L 790.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Seriously, So Good
Delicious, satisfying recipes that are good for your health, heart, and mind by the beloved blogger and creator of Brocc Your Body.

Self-proclaimed SoCal beach girl Carissa Stanton first earned her nickname Brocc, not because of an obsession with broccoli (though she thinks it’s a damn good veggie), but because she hosted weekly girl’s nights with her friends who loved to cook, eat—and move their bodies. With Justin Timberlake’s “Rock Your Body” in mind, she combined her love of food and created @BroccYourBody to start sharing her favorite recipes on Instagram.

Now, Carissa shares with her hundreds of thousands of followers how cooking for yourself after a busy day of work can be just as exciting as relaxing with friends over cocktails and apps. Seriously, So Good reflects her philosophy of feeling good about what she’s cooking and eating by making smart choices without depriving herself of carbs or a splash of cream here and there. She wants to remove the anxiety around food by helping us all feel more confident in and out of the kitchen. She shares her recipes and balanced outlook to motivate others to experience a stress-free cooking approach while enjoying mouth-watering meals alone or with loved ones.

930.00 L 930.00 L 930.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Career Forward
At a time when many long-held workplace structures and beliefs are changing, Career Forward is a beacon for women aspiring to achieve success and satisfaction in rewarding careers. Drawing on decades of experience reaching the top of Fortune 500 companies, Grace Puma and Christiana Smith Shi show women how to maximize their career journeys, get paid what they’re worth, navigate the shifts that occur in any company, build a leadership identity, and have a full life in and out of work.

The authors challenge negative stereotypes about female ambition, and urge women to be bold, follow their dreams, and seize the chance to lead “big” lives. The secret is to focus on career first, job second. Instead of chasing a better job title or a salary bump, the goal should be a long-range career path that leads to success. “Career forward” means keeping a focus on the future and recognizing that being good at your job is often not enough—that you should take every opportunity to boost your connections, take on “difficult” assignments, and work actively to broaden your skills.

Packed with personal anecdotes and wisdom from women who’ve been there, and featuring quizzes and checklists for self-evaluation, Career Forward provides a wealth of valuable lessons, including the value of thinking of yourself as a “growth stock” and, instead of chasing the elusive work-life balance, living a well-rounded 360-degree life that fully embraces both. Offering a refreshing response to anyone who wonders whether working hard is really worth it, Puma and Smith Shi’s emphatic answer is “yes,” because by correctly following the blueprint in Career Forward, the rewards will far outweigh the effort.

530.00 L 530.00 L 530.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Spy x Family, Vol. 2
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!

Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment—to get married and have a kid—he may finally be in over his head!

Twilight must infiltrate the prestigious Eden Academy to get close to his target Donovan Desmond, but has he ruined his daughter Anya’s chances with his outburst during the admissions interview? Perhaps the truly impossible mission this time is making sure Anya both becomes an exemplary student and befriends Donovan’s arrogant son Damian!

360.00 L 360.00 L 360.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Expiration Dates
Being single is like playing the lottery. There’s always the chance that with one piece of paper you could win it all.

Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together. The papers told her she’d spend three days with Martin in Paris; five weeks with Noah in San Francisco; and three months with Hugo, her ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Daphne has been receiving the numbered papers for over twenty years, always wondering when there might be one without an expiration. Finally, the night of a blind date at her favorite Los Angeles restaurant, there’s only a name: Jake.

But as Jake and Daphne’s story unfolds, Daphne finds herself doubting the paper’s prediction, and wrestling with what it means to be both committed and truthful. Because Daphne knows things Jake doesn’t, information that—if he found out—would break his heart.

Told with her signature warmth and insight into matters of the heart, Rebecca Serle has finally set her sights on romantic love. The result is a gripping, emotional, passionate, and (yes) heartbreaking novel about what it means to be single, what it means to find love, and ultimately how we define each of them for ourselves. Expiration Dates is the one fans have been waiting for.

490.00 L 490.00 L 490.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Dog Man 12 The Scarlet Shedder
Our canine superhero returns in DOG MAN: THE SCARLET SHEDDER, the suspenseful and hilarious twelfth graphic novel in the #1 worldwide bestselling series by award-winning author and illustrator Dav Pilkey!
P.U.! Dog Man got sprayed by a skunk! After being dunked in tomato juice, the stink is gone but the scarlet red color remains. Now exiled, this spunky superhero must struggle to save the citizens who shunned him! Will the ends justify the means for Petey, who's reluctantly pulled back into a life of crime in order to help Dog Man? And who will step forward when an all-new, never-before-seen villain unleashes an army of A.I. robots?

The fun and creativity continue with Dog Man with Love: The Official Coloring Book. And for more heartfelt graphic novel adventures, join Flippy and Li'l Petey in the Cat Kid Comic Club series. And don't forget the series that started it all: Captain Underpants!

440.00 L 440.00 L 440.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Wealth Money Can't Buy *Ed. Tapa Dura
Real wealth is so much more than cash in the bank, flashy cars in the driveway and luxury vacations on exotic islands. Too many financially prosperous people are surprisingly poor when it comes to the things that truly matter for a life of happiness, vitality, and serenity.

Society has sold us a version of success that has left too many people feeling empty, frustrated, and filled with regret. Fortunately, there is a much better way to live.

790.00 L 790.00 L 790.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Wealth Money Can't Buy Ed. Tapa blanda
Real wealth is so much more than cash in the bank, flashy cars in the driveway and luxury vacations on exotic islands. Too many financially prosperous people are surprisingly poor when it comes to the things that truly matter for a life of happiness, vitality, and serenity.

Society has sold us a version of success that has left too many people feeling empty, frustrated, and filled with regret. Fortunately, there is a much better way to live.

In The Wealth Money Can’t Buy, you will discover a life-altering system that will help you lead your richest life before it’s too late. You will learn a framework based on the eight hidden habits used by authentically rich people and gain a methodology to master your destiny.

590.00 L 590.00 L 590.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who Is Michael Phelps
ind out how a mischievous boy became a phenomenal swimmer and the greatest Olympian of all time in this inspiring addition to the #1 New York Times bestselling Who Was? series!

Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, Michael Phelps began swimming at age seven at the urging of his mom. As a young boy, Michael was brimming with energy--more energy than most other kids his age--and Mrs. Phelps thought this sport could help keep him calm and focused. As Michael grew older, his skills improved, and he transformed into one of the greatest swimmers in the world, winning twenty-eight Olympic medals.

Outside of the pool, Michael became an advocate for mental and physical health for adults and children. He even founded an organization that teaches water safety and promotes healthy living. Young readers can learn more about Michael Phelps's thriving legacy in this illustrated middle-grade biography.

210.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Flash Point
f there’s one thing Jack Ryan, Jr’s father taught him, it’s that freedom isn’t free, but nothing can prepare Jack for the price he must pay in the latest electrifying entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.

Jack Ryan Jr. is in a world of trouble. When a benign surveillance operation takes a deadly turn, Jack finds himself locked in a struggle with an unseen enemy bent on destroying the Campus. The chase leads Jack to the South China Sea where a midair collision between aircraft from rival nations threatens to serve as a flash point for the entire region. As Jack frantically tries to put the pieces of the conspiracy together, the Campus is hit with a crippling attack. When the dust settles, Jack is one of the few operators still standing and the Campus’s de facto leader. But the fight is just beginning.

As tensions escalate, Jack’s mysterious adversary executes a brilliant campaign to paralyze the American government even as China inches closer to invading Taiwan. With the odds stacked against him and no help in sight, Jack and his shattered team must stop the world’s two remaining super powers from stumbling into war even as the noose around the Campus grows ever tighter.
Every operation has a cost.

This time the bill might just be too much to pay.

320.00 L 320.00 L 320.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
This Day in History For Kids
An exciting, visual adventure through history with day-by-day accounts of extraordinary events, notable people, and incredible inventions for kids ages 8-12.

History comes alive in this beautifully illustrated book with bite-size facts (along with a touch of humor) that will engage and entertain young curious minds.

Jam-packed with important events, inspiring accomplishments by remarkable people, and groundbreaking inventions, this super-fun fact-filled book, the first kids book from History Channel, includes the most interesting historical facts--from early civilization up to the 21st century all around the world for every day of the year.

Each day’s entry includes multiple events that occurred on that day in history along with charming original illustrations and photography. Plus, readers are prompted to recall their own remarkable milestones, helping them to consider their place in history. Inside, kids will discover:
Historic events that happened on their birthday
Major moments in sports
Groundbreaking events and famous military battles
Fearless explorers, inventors and freedom fighters
Record-breaking stunts
Weird and wacky holidays
Incredible dinosaur discoveries, and much more!

A great gift for an up-and-coming history buff and an engaging resource for the classroom, this book offers a fresh twist on history, looking into the past and letting you recall your own.

690.00 L 690.00 L 690.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Pages & Co. 5: The Treehouse Library
The fifth magical adventure in the USA Today bestselling Pages & Co. series, starring Milo, the book smuggler. Perfect for fans of Inkheart, The Land of Stories, and Mr. Lemoncello's Library!

Milo Bolt is ready to be the hero of his own story. With Uncle Horatio trapped in an enchanted sleep by the power-hungry Alchemist, he sets off with his new friend Alessia to find a cure.

As they search for clues, the pair find themselves at the magical treehouse—home of the Botanist, the Alchemist’s sworn enemy. In their hunt for the cure, Milo and Alessia must forage in the Secret Garden, challenge Robin Hood, and confront the mighty Jabberwock. Will they find the cure and help Uncle Horatio before it’s too late?

290.00 L 290.00 L 290.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Pages & Co. 3: The Map of Stories
The third magical bookwandering adventure in the nationally bestselling Pages & Co. series, featuring Tilly Pages as she journeys to Washington, DC, to wander inside the books at the Library of Congress. Perfect for fans of Inkheart and The Land of Stories.

Tilly and Oskar embark on an impromptu trip to the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, in search of an elusive group of bookwanderers called the Archivists, who they believe are the key to restoring the balance and saving the British Underlibrary.

Along the way, the friends realize that something strange is happening in the world of bookwandering: books are disappearing, people are forgetting their favorite stories, and stories are trying to drag Tilly into them.

With a mysterious set of clues and some surprising new faces, Tilly and Oskar will need the help of some of their dearest fictional friends to be able to solve the mystery . . . and save bookwandering forever.

290.00 L 290.00 L 290.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Pages & Co. 2: The Lost Fairy Tales
The second magical bookwandering adventure in the nationally bestselling Pages & Co. series, featuring Tilly Pages as she journeys to France to wander inside a peculiar book of fairytales. Perfect for fans of Inkheart and The Land of Stories.

Tilly and her best friend Oskar are bookwanderers: a remarkable group of people who, using the magical power of books, can travel inside any story they choose. But on a wintry visit to Paris, the friends wander inside a book of fairy tales to find that peculiar things are happening: characters are getting lost, stories are all mixed up, and mysterious plot holes are opening without warning . . .

It's up to Tilly and Oskar to figure out what--or who--is behind the chaos. And after the friends come face-to-face with an old foe, they realize that villains can exist outside the pages of books . . . and that sometimes, you don't get to live happily ever after.

260.00 L 260.00 L 260.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Pages & Co. 1: The Bookwanderer
An enchanting story about the magic of books and the power of imagination from debut author Anna James. Perfect for fans of Inkheart, The Land of Stories, and Story Thieves.

Since her mother's disappearance, eleven-year-old Tilly Pages has found comfort in the stories at Pages & Co., her grandparents' bookshop. But when her favorite characters, Anne of Green Gables and Alice from Wonderland, start showing up at the shop,Tilly's adventures become very real. Not only can she follow Anne and Alice into their books, she discovers she can bookwander into any story she chooses. Tilly's new ability leads her to fun and exciting adventures, but danger may be lurking on the very next page...

When new secrets are uncovered, it's up to Tilly to solve the mystery of what happened to her mother all those years ago. From debut author Anna James comes a charming and exciting adventure about a bookish young heroine, a mysterious librarian, and a magical bookshop that will delight book lovers everywhere.

260.00 L 260.00 L 260.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
At My Italian Table
Bring the joy of Italian cooking to your kitchen with 100 classic and incredibly delicious Italian family favorites, from the star of Laura in the Kitchen.

When Laura Vitale moved to the United States from her native Italy as a teenager, she was homesick—not just for her family, but for her beloved nonna’s cooking. The slow-cooked Sunday sauces loaded with pork ribs and tender braised beef (and plenty of red wine), the quick pan-fried breaded chicken cutlets destined to be Parmesan’d, the frittata de maccheroni that she’d tuck in a knapsack for beachside picnics . . . and so began a quest to re-create Nonna’s delicious legacy in Laura’s New Jersey kitchen.

Ever since, Laura has spent countless hours on the phone with Nonna to learn her secrets for the crispiest fried Cacio e Pepe Aranini, Zia Mimma’s Focaccia Barese (mashed potatoes are the key to its fluffy texture), decadent four-cheese baked ziti, a Sunday supper go-to of Roasted Chicken and Potatoes with Herby Lemon Salsa, and a semolina cake to end all yellow cakes, topped with heaps of limoncello-soaked strawberries. Decades of Sunday suppers, holiday meals, and get-it-done-fast weeknight dinners have perfected the flavors and techniques that represent the essence of Laura’s Italy.

890.00 L 890.00 L 890.0 HNL Añadir al carrito